Project Description

Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) completed a Commercial Property Inventory and Environmental Assessment Study (Study) in Flagler County through a U.S. EPA Brownfields grant. The Study identified key underutilized properties that are available for economic development purposes along the U.S. 1 Corridor as well as internal to the county. Boyette was engaged to develop a Flagler County U.S. 1 Corridor Reuse Plan in 2016, which applies the Study information to determine a business recruitment strategy that will ensure the highest and best use of the properties. This involved both reviewing and validating the area’s current targeted business sectors, as well as developing recommendations on how to best support and recruit such sectors to the county.

One of the growth strategies from the August 2016 Flagler County U.S. 1 Corridor Reuse Plan included “…creating the economic development support infrastructure to further develop entrepreneurs in Flagler County, as well as to ensure their ongoing growth in the county.” Specific recommendations included the continued pursuit and establishment of an Incubator/Innovation Center. Boyette was engaged by the Flagler County Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) to develop a business case that highlights the county’s ability to support an Innovation Center and its related programs.